Friday, May 27, 2011

School’s Out For Summer!

Tuesday was an emotional day!  It was Finn’s last day of school.  This has been a magical year.  We really could not have asked for a better experience.  Finn is such a sweet and special boy and his school and more specifically his teacher, have been the most perfect match for him.  It is going to be tough sending him to big boy school next year where I know even though it will be good, it just won’t be the same.  There was something just so wonderful about sending him to this school where I knew he was LOVED. 

On the last day, family was invited to a park right next to the school where we could just play and then back to the class for snacks and goodies.  The parents had contributed to a gift for the teachers and the children made Thank You cards for the teachers that were put on a magnetic board for them.  The teachers gave the children sand buckets with a shovel, bubbles, a stained glass wind chime and a DVD.  About a week or so ago, his teacher had asked for the parents to send him any pictures taken this year, and those pictures were turned into a DVD.  Finn could not wait to get home and watch.  And as we hugged the teachers good-bye and I started to buckle him into the car, he started to cry and said he was sad that school was over.

And more tears came when we put the DVD in.  It was broken up into 7 parts, each set to a different song: 

The Unusual Suspects, A Day in the Life, All Hallow’s Eve, Thanksgiving, A Conners Christmas, Mardi Gras, P.S. St Pat’s/Mother’s Day

“The Unusual Suspects” brought the tears on immediately…..each child was highlighted with a handful of pictures each, but the tear jerker part, the first picture for each child listed their name and height from the 1st day of school and the last picture listed their final height and how many inches they’d grown.  There was just something so sweet that tugged on my heart strings.  My baby boy grew 1.5 inches this year. 

“A Day in the Life” started with a video of the kids running around the playground played to the Tigger song, which was just so freaking adorable I could hardly stand it!  They all looked like little Tigger’s running around.

Finn loved seeing himself on TV, and since I was at all but one event, I was a big contributor to the pictures, so there were plenty of us.  And even Riley Roo made his debut!  Kellen too if you count my ever expanding belly as the year went on!

Finn learned how to put his shoes on by himself this year.  He learned how to pump his legs on the swing and can *mostly* keep himself going!  He learned how to spell his name and even started learning how to write it.  And he knows VERY well what the letter F looks like.  He learned all about being 1st, though I don’t think that was quite the “lesson” being taught, but hey, I guess he is my child after all!  :)

Here is the link to Finn’s 1st Day of School.  Even though I took my camera with me, I sadly did not take any pictures on the last day.  :(

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