Monday, May 23, 2011

Lightening McFinn meets Finn McMissile


The new Cars 2 movie is coming out in June and there was a promotional event this weekend!  We didn’t hear about it until the morning of the event, and we weren’t quite sure what to expect but we knew we had to go.  It was in the parking lot of a mall, starting at 12 noon, it was hotter than hell, we waited in line in the blazing sun for 45 minutes…. we have officially done our crazy thing for the kids.  :) 

And Finn seriously almost peed his pants when he found out there is a new car named FINN McMissile…..there is a car with his name.  We are still debating whether or not we will take him to the movie, this one looks like it could be a little “scary” and we all know how Finn is with movies….

Some pictures of the cars from the outside of the ropes while we were waiting to get in….

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This is just only part of the very long line….


Family photo….at least we don’t look like we’re sweating buckets!


And Karen!  We see Karen everywhere!!!  (We actually saw a bunch of our friends there, lots of Cars obsessed friends!)


Once inside the boys got to pick out either a magnet or a key chain and here is Riley showing his Mater key chain to Mater!  (and trying to sneak in under the ropes….)

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And our pics from the event!

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1 comment:

donna said...

Cute pictures Heather! Lakes family fun activities are awesome.