Saturday, May 14, 2011

Melt My Heart

On my first morning going solo with the boys, Kellen woke up at 6:30 so I fed him and as we were finishing up feeding, the boys woke up at 7, and off we went to the kitchen for breakfast.  I brought Kellen’s little seat into the kitchen so he could hang out with us.  Riley sat down with him and immediately started holding his hand.  Finn felt left out and got down and joined in the love-fest!


During quiet/nap time I fed Kellen and then he had some awake playtime.  Finn was SO excited to play with Kellen on his play mat and he decided that Kellen needed ALL of the toys that could possibly hang on the play mat bars!  So he spent the time loading it up and telling Kellen what every toy was as he was putting it on, pushing the ones that played music and noise for him to hear.  It was just beyond precious!

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