Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Little Mack Truck

We were having an awesome perfect day.  Unfortunately, I spoke those words out loud.  Less than an hour later there was blood.

The boys were running from room to room when suddenly Riley started WAILING, came running to me, I pulled him up on my lap, hugged him and then pulled him away inspecting his face because he was wailing so hard I knew he was really hurt.  But at first glance, he looked fine!  More hugs….pulled away and I see a little droplet of blood dangling from his ear lobe!  Eventually found the little hole in his head!  It stopped bleeding almost immediately and he seemed fine, went back to the business of playing so I wasn’t sure, but there was definitely a hole. The kind where the skin does not hold together.  Called the nurses line at the pediatrician and after quite a conversation about it they said they didn’t think it would need stitches.  But then about 3 hours later when I was washing him up in the tub and getting through what was just blood and what was the wound I realized the hole had gotten bigger, or maybe was just bigger than I originally thought.  So Todd took him to the ER where he got two stitches (which Todd said didn’t even phase him!)….and a popsicle, and juice, and a “bracelet” and got to watch endless movies!  Now he thinks the ER is the coolest place EVER.



And yes, his “roar” got a “necklace” too!  How stinking cute! 

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