Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Reward Chart

Bedtime has become a bit of a downer at our house lately.  The boys always used to be SO awesome at bedtime.  I remember hearing people talk about how awful bedtime was and I just didn’t understand.  Our boys were so sweet and cuddly, loved playing in the tub, loved snuggling up reading stories together that made them so sleepy they just slipped right into bed.  I don’t know what happened, but bedtime went to hell in a hand basket and quickly.  So we decided to start a reward chart to help things move in a more positive direction. 

While I may be on hiatus from the working world, I still get to put my excel skillz to good use….I present to you “Finn’s Bedtime Reward Chart!”


Out of the 7 days, if Finn completes all the “tasks” and gets 5 morning stickers, he gets a treat, like ice cream.  Our first week we went to Dairy Queen (yes, they still exist!) and the second week he got a sponge bob ice cream treat at the Inman Park festival. 


The bonus, if he gets his treat, we ALL get a treat! 


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