Sunday, November 14, 2010

Riley at 21 months


I’ve been meaning to write one of these up the last couple of months and missed the boat, and even this one is a little late….  But there are definitely a few things that I’d like to note for the record.  Some of these are old news, but I’m documenting them anyway!

He has been having word explosion lately!  It is AWESOME!  He still talks jibber-jabber incessantly, but there are definitely more words thrown in there now.  He can/will repeat anything you say and he’s getting better about using his words.  But the long monologues of jibber-jabber are still there and hilarious as ever.  He really thinks he’s telling you something, that is for sure.

He loves the word pumpkin!

He’s got a few sentences, his first and most popularly used being “I Did It!”

He can point to all of his body parts.

He knows all the sounds the different animals make.  (I’ve got to get it on video soon, too cute!)

He got his molars in.  He is still missing those sharp canine teeth (all four of them!)! 

He has discovered that he loves ketchup! 

He doesn’t really like to get messy and if he spills something on himself or if a food is messy he will say “messy!”.  He loves napkins/tissues and if he gets food on himself or his clothes while he is eating he will ask for a napkin and then proceed to wipe his face/hands and sometimes even his shirt/pants with it.  It is seriously too cute.  He also loves tissue and will attempt to blow his nose in a tissue.

He’s the perfect little brother, he knows exactly how to push Finn’s buttons.  For instance, Finn will be quietly playing with his cars, Riley will run up, grab one and run away with it held high up in the air squealing with laughter!

He loves his big brother too!  They like to play tackle and boy that boy is TOUGH!

He’s also becoming a bit of a tattle tale….if the boys are playing in the other room and if Finn takes something away from him he will come running crying to where ever I am, pointing back, crying and trying to tell me basically Finn took his toy.

He still takes two naps a day.  We recently tried to eliminate his morning nap and just go to one, he is 21 months old after all.  There was no reason really, everyone kept saying to keep with it as long as his sleep was regular, why rock the boat?  But, Finn, and almost every other child we know, dropped that morning nap once they hit one, mostly due to daycare, but still.  Riley was 20 months old and still napping twice a day.  So, we bit the bullet and started ignoring morning nap time.  Until it had been TWO WEEKS of a VERY cranky, SCREAMING Riley that finally we relented, gave him back his morning nap and holy happy child.  Hey, who wouldn’t want to take two naps a day?  I know I would!

He’s a sports fanatic!  He’s really good at running and kicking the soccer ball down the field, he’s really good at tee ball and golf and he loves to shoot hoops.  He is DYING to play soccer, he is constantly running out onto the field during Finn’s soccer games, fist pumping his arms into the air yelling “put me in coach!” (well not really that last part, but that’s basically his sentiment).

We’ve got these animal hooded bath towels for the boys.  Finn has a dinosaur and Riley has a duck.  We’ve always put Riley’s towel on him and then had him look in the mirror and say quack quack.  Finn always gets out and runs to where I am (usually getting Riley ready for bed) and says “roooooooaaaar”.  Lately now Riley has been running out of the shower with his duck hooded towel on, coming to find me and shouting “roooooooaaaar”.  It is so damn funny.  (He also likes to pick up his Sophie giraffe and make it roar.)

He loves to run around naked.  If you get him naked before the bath/shower and do not directly place him into the bath/shower he will run away squealing.  I LOVE watching his cheeks run through the house with him squealing though!

He has figured out how to take most of his clothes off (see photo above).  So you can probably expect a post soon about how I walked in to find him naked and his crib smeared in poo.

He has started doing this running in place thing accompanied by either squeals or screams depending if he is excited or upset.

He LOVES to dance!  Music comes on and he will start shaking/nodding his head if he’s sitting down and if he’s standing he will shake his booty!  The boy loves to dance!

Food:  his eating has always been tough, and sometimes I think it is just getting worse.  He does eat well on the things he likes, but it seems his likes are limited.  And on some days he will decide he doesn’t want to eat something that is usually his favorite.  I’m not gonna lie, its pretty damn frustrating.  Lately he hasn’t wanted to let us take the cheese stick out of the wrapper, or the banana out of the peel.  He wants to do it himself and ends up biting into the wrapper/peel.  His favorites are pizza (he pronounces zeeza), chicken nuggets, hot dogs, salmon pesto pasta (I know eating something like that doesn’t sound like he’s picky, its random, I know), cheeseburgers, waffles, oatmeal, pancakes, cheese, grapes and then any kind of snack he can get his chubby fingers on pretzels (zezzles), crackers, pirate booty.

I love the way he says Yes (yesth) and No when you ask him questions.  I love the way he waves with his pudgy little hand.  I love the way he says “Hiiiiii” and “Byyyyye”.  I love the way he says Thank You while doing the sign.  I love the way he throws his hands in the air fist pumping when he’s excited.  I love how he squeals when running when he is excited.  I love his laugh, it is so contagious, man he gets away with a lot more stuff because of it.  I love how he holds my hand.  I love how he will grab my hand and lead me to show me something.  I love his soft soft skin.  I love his big chunky cheeks (face and bottom).  I love his big chunky body (like a marshmallow as someone recently said).  I love the way he runs with this little butt wiggle.  I love to listen to his pudgy little feet run on the hardwoods through our house.  I love his hugs and kisses.  I love that he loves to snuggle.  I love how he grabs a book and his blankie and crawls into my lap.  I love how he can make me laugh doing just about anything.  I love the way he walks around with his blankie in his hand and his thumb in his mouth, kind of like Linus.  I love his big chocolate brown eyes and his long eye lashes.  I love his face when he cries.  I love this boy more than anything.

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