Sunday, November 14, 2010

Momma is old!

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Finn is obsessed with birthdays…..well, mostly his birthday!  Ever since his birthday he has been obsessed with “his next birthday” and since he has NO concept of future time and how long a whole year is torture.   “Is tomorrow my next birthday?”  No.  So to help get us through we’ve taught him that first it is momma’s birthday, then uncle Buzz’s birthday, then daddy and Riley’s birthday and then it is Finn’s birthday again.  So when we finally reached mommy’s birthday, omg, how exciting!  Todd and I went out to dinner for my birthday to a restaurant I’ve been dying to go to and one that I called a month in advance to get a reservation for 8pm on a Tuesday night!  Craziness!  But it was SO awesome!  We did the 7 course blind tasting menu meaning we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into but every.single.thing.was.AMAZING! 

Below is a picture of the bag my first birthday week gift from the boys!  I LOVE the photo!  Hilarious!



All in all I had a great birthday!  It is hard with the boys though, they didn’t have a clue it was my birthday the actual day of, daddy was already gone when they woke up, so he couldn’t cue them.  So it was hard to not be woken up to sweet boys being super sweet and singing happy birthday to me, but screaming and crying and beating the hell out of each other instead.  :)  Ha!

But Finn is very excited to have be one more birthday closer to his next birthday!

1 comment:

donna said...

You look amazing Heather!