Monday, November 1, 2010

I’m usually not a Monday hater….


At 8am I decide to go quickly drop off our library books and put part of someone's halloween costume they left at our house in their mailbox and then we would come home, let Riley nap and get us ready to go to meet our friends at sensations therafun. 

walk out the door.  no keys.  I've locked the door.  car and house keys on the same chain.  Finn is in his pajamas.  Riley is in shorts.  I'm wearing no bra and have not brushed my teeth.  we look like homeless people, without the coats.  for some reason I did take the boys slippers off and put on real shoes though, so that was a plus.

Todd works 40 minutes away, when it isn’t morning rush hour traffic.  we've got two neighbors/friends that have keys.  one is out of town.  the other I call but they can’t help, both at work, one very far away, the other in a hospital. 

so I call Todd, who is usually a very loving husband, definitely a doting dad.  he loves us, right?  husband not happy.  it is 8am and husband asks me....wait for it....if we can wait until 11:30.  ever watch will and grace?  you know that high octave that jack had when he was upset?  yeah, that was me.  did you really just ask me to wait outside with two kids for 3.5 hours?????????????????????????????????????

long story short, husband agrees to come home immediately, which of course takes him a little over an hour to do and we play in the backyard in the mean time.  Riley beating on the back door, wants to go inside, does not understand we cannot get inside.  I have no drinks, no snacks, nothing.  I wasn't planning on getting out of the car at all.

I am honestly amazed that I’ve made it this long without this happening sooner.  And now we’re all snuggled up under nice warm blankets enjoying some Sesame Street and a nap for Riley while I come up with a new game plan for the day!

1 comment:

Molly Harris said...

You need to learn how to break into your own house. If you can open a window from the outside, small children usually fit through perfectly and then can open the door. Not that I would know from experience or anything. ;)

Molly Baker-Harris