Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Baby Stuff

So we’re really not buying anything for the new baby, we’ve already got everything!  We are getting a new crib mattress and a new infant car seat, but otherwise we’re covered!  But, I did want to buy one boy and one girl coming home outfits, just like I did for Riley.  When I was shopping last week I stumbled upon this shirt and thought if this baby was a boy that this would be hilarious!  So I snatched it up in a teeny newborn size!

And then, I’ve been lusting over one of those cute knitted bear hats forever and when I was looking online I stumbled upon this adorable gender neutral perfect for our St Patty’s Day baby bear hat!  Eeeeeep!


The hat came in the mail yesterday and as I was opening it Finn asked what it was.  I told him it was for the baby and when I opened it and showed it to him he giggled and said “its a hat for the baby!  is it a birthday present for the baby?”  I said “well, yes, I guess you’re right it is”  and he said “ohhh, the baby is going to love it momma!  I can’t wait to show it to the baby!”.

::::Swoon::::  he is the best big brother!  he is so excited about this baby.  the other day he was petting and kissing my belly and talking to the baby.  he asked if the baby was moving around inside my belly and when I told him that it was and that soon he’d be able to feel it move he was just.SO.excited!