Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Riley is 10 months old!

No official check-up this month.  His next one isn’t until his 1 YEAR check-up – O.M.G.  Going to not think that far ahead and focus on 10 months!


1) Diaper changes are nearly impossible.  I’m going to need to start watching WWE.

2) He developed Acid Reflux once we started solid foods.  He started with spitting up and crying all night long and during meal times.  Took him to the doctor, started him on Zantac twice a day.  The spitting up stopped but then he started with the back arching and the kicking and so we switched him over to Prevacid.  Right now it seems to be helping!

3) Right now he is eating three meals a day of Stage 2 Pureed Foods.  I’ve tried to give him the stage 3’s but he is NOT OK with this and HATES them.  He’s eaten Cheerios but isn’t too excited about any other kind of solid foods that I give him.  But since he’s got reflux I’m just going to take it slow and wait a bit before trying with the 3’s and solid foods some more.

4) Screeching – O.M.G.  he will just sit there and screech AT.THE.TOP.OF.HIS.LUNGS.  SO LOUD!  Finn’s new most common saying is “stop screaming Riley”

5) We have made it 10 months with him being 100% breastfed.  But since mommy and daddy are taking a trip to Belize at the end of January, its time to start weaning, and start formula.  Mommy is a bit weepy about this but is happy to have made it this long!

6) Standing – I know I’ve posted about how he loves to stand.  Well he has now started to let go once he is standing and I’ve seen him on two occasions stand for at least 10 seconds all on his own!

7) His 2nd tooth is finally pushing through.  I’ve been able to see it since his first tooth popped in, but this is taking an unbelievably long time.  And he is NOT happy about the process either.  I really hope all of his teeth don’t take this long or cause him this much pain.

8) His favorite song is “itsy bitsy spider”.  I pull this out when he is unhappy with the food I am feeding him, or anytime he is unhappy and he instantly starts smiling and laughing.  He LOVES this song!  I promise I’m not crazy and just like to sing….

9) I think he grew an inch in a week and is starting to “thin” out a little.

10)  That being said, he is moving into size 5 diapers.  For comparison sake, Finn is wearing a size 6.  What am I supposed to do when he outgrows a size 6??? 



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