Thursday, December 3, 2009

Finn at 28 months

I literally started writing this post one month ago. I had plans to get it posted by 11/11, right when he turned 28 months. But now I’m just barely going to get it in under the 28 month mark!

I’m no longer keeping track of how many months old Finn is, in fact I had to count on my fingers to figure out he was 28 months, and I’m also not going to make a list of 28 things about him. But….I have been writing little notes here and there of the cute little things he has been doing and have accumulated enough to finally put them to print!

Ready Set Go - new favorite saying before running, riding his bike down the hill, sending his cars sailing across the room.

Finnegan – I’ve been trying to teach Finn his full name AND I’ll also admit that I have used his full name when he’s in trouble, like such a mom, LOL! But now HE uses his full name too! “Momma read a book for Finnegan”, “Finnegan go to the bouncy house”, “Finnegan don’t like it” “No nap for Finnegan”. He also still uses just Finn and has even started using “I”, “ME” etc. but hearing him say “Finnegan” is adorable.

Big Boy Bed – Finn is now in a big boy bed….or really a toddler bed, or really we took the front off of his crib. This was not really a step we were ready for, but after him climbing out of his crib 5 days in a row it was time to do it before he hurt himself. So, we took the front off of his crib, bought him a new big boy blanket and cool lion pillow. He is definitely enjoying his new freedom, maybe a little too much. I often find him playing instead of napping, and he can now get up and get out of his room and come and stand in front of mommas sleeping face and say “Hiya Momma!” I swear he is a ninja, he doesn’t make a single noise sometimes when he gets up. So much for the monitor. I do really wish we had a video monitor now though, I am dying to see what he is doing in there!

Pockets – he has discovered pockets and he loves to put his hands in them and as I mentioned in a previous post he now likes to put money or other random findings in his pockets. it is very hard to stick my hands in those teeny pockets to pull out goodies.

Mustache – mustache was the word of the day on Sesame Street (or Sesma Street as he says) and ever since that first day he learned all about it, he is obsessed with mustaches. every time he sees someone with a mustache he tells them they have a mustache and he must touch it. He also likes to tell everyone that his daddy has a mustache…, no he doesn’t. He now also likes to make cheese mustaches, or apple mustaches, or cracker mustaches…or really he likes to play with his food and call it a mustache. He is obsessed with mustaches, but I think he also just likes saying the word. I mean it is a funny word, and hearing him say it always makes me giggle. He is excited to touch Santa’s mustache this coming weekend. Oh boy!

Nipples – well, he knows what nipples are and he is very curious about them. but to hear him say the word makes me giggle.

Excuse Me - When we are eating meals at the table and Finn is done and wants to get down we’ve asked that he says “Excuse Me” and has to wait for us to excuse him before he gets down. This has to be hands down the easiest thing we’ve asked him to do that he has instantly picked up on! It’s really cute to hear him say “Excuse me” although he will sometimes say it as soon as he sits down at the table too, stinker.

Hanging Out – on that same note, if he wants to get down before mommy, daddy and Riley are done with dinner we’ve told him that he needs to stay and “hang out” with us. And now he uses the term “hanging out” in other instances. The other day we were playing in his room and he sat down next to me with grandma (bear) and said “Finnegan hang out with momma and grandma”. tee-hee

Please/Thank you – when I first wrote this note down it was to say that he will occasionally say please and thank you without being prompted….but now I can say that he does it unprompted the majority of the time now! Such a big boy and sooooo sweet to hear him say thank you when you do something for him, even something as simple as getting him some milk. He also uses please and thank you when he is playing by himself. Seriously makes me so proud.

Line Up - So I get these weekly emails about the boys developmental milestones given the age they are at. Recently I received one about how Finn would start lining things up and about a week after getting that email I found him in his room lining up all of his hot wheels cars in a perfectly straight line! Now, I’m pretty OCD, so this milestone totally geeks me out and makes me smile!

Stories/Singing – he now busts out in song all of the time. Some of them are songs we listen to, some of them are kids songs, some are “momma songs” and some of them are songs that I have no idea where he learned the words to. He also knows the words to stories, so you can say the start of a line of a book and he’ll finish it.

Hoorah – Grandpa Lakes was a Marine and on our recent vacation with them, while hiking Grandpa got Finn to say “HOORAH” and now he will just spontaneously shout “HOORAH”! seriously cracks me up.

Love/hugs/kisses – Finn loves to give hugs and kisses. He gives them to momma all day long, he gives them to his baby brother when he’s made him cry, he gives them to the whole family at bedtime, and he gives them to grandma (bear) all day. he has the cutest little kiss that has this cute little pucker noise, so faint and delicate and sweet! We just now need to teach him not to plant kisses on kids at toddlercize/the playground, or complete strangers.

Lemons/Limes – Finn LOVES to eat lemons and limes – WHOLE – He will eat the rind even. and the whole time he says “it’s spicy”

Tickling – he LOVES to be tickled. If you stop tickling him he will ask for more and more and more and more. “More Tickle”

Sneezes – Finn thinks sneezes are the funniest thing. He always has since he was little, but it still makes me laugh that it makes him laugh.

Pretending – Finn’s level of pretending is astounding to me. I’m not very good at pretending, so I feel like he’s making it up on his own, but its adorable. He “drinks hot cocoa” from the mouse in our prayer book, grandma (bear) does all kinds of things (eats, plays, helps pick up toys, tackles him, and even gets put in time-out). The other day Finn and daddy were hiking and Finn picked up one stick and was walking with it, then he picked up another and Todd mentioned that it looked like he was skiing, so they started to ski together. Then Finn stopped and said “I don’t want to ski anymore” and he sat down and took off both of his skis and then got back up and started walking. A little while later he decided he wanted to ski some more, so he sat down and put his skis back on.

He’s adorable and sweet and loving and still a pretty laid back little guy. He is exactly his father’s son, a mini-Todd. Precious and Priceless!

1 comment:

Sean and Ingrid said...

This sounds like such a fun age Heather. Finn is such a cutie. Great post!