Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I mentioned in our Summer Bucket List that I had two new parks to chose from for our “find a new park” item.  We finally made it to the second park and had an amazing morning!  Lullwater park is over on Emory’s campus and is an amazing gem of a place!  It is HUGE and BEAUTIFUL and I cannot believe how close it is and that we’ve never been there before.  If parking weren’t such a hassle we would be there all of the time!  It was truly spectacular, right in the middle of the city!

This is the view from the entrance!  Such a wide, tree covered path!


And right when we entered we saw this worm.  Which then jumped about like a snake when we tried to pick it up! 


Riley:  Stop mom, he doesn’t want his picture taken!


Riley:  I guess he doesn’t want to be lifted up, he wants to be in the grass!

Finn stayed and watched over him until he made it safely to the grass!


Boys and sticks.

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Finn was “fishing” with his stick and found a treasure!

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Awesome hanging bridge!
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And this guy was so tired he fell asleep in our arms on the walk back (because TODD was all “we don’t need a stroller or hiking backpack, I can just put him on my shoulders”)  Can I tell you how heavy he is when he is dead asleep and resting fully on your head, like below??

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