Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Eeeep!  Finn brought home his first homework packet yesterday!!!  He was SO excited about homework!  Let’s hope this lasts!  When I picked him up, he came out of the building, ripped open his back pack and said “Momma, look!!!  Homework!!!”  Every Monday we will get a packet that has to be completed by Friday.  I think there are about 10 pages in there.  We got through all but 3!  He was so excited he just wanted to keep on going.  And since I’m a big nerd and that was always my way of doing things (get it all done and out of the way and then play/relax) I was more than happy to oblige.

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I am amazed at the difference in how he is holding his pen/pencil/marker just since the week before he started school.  Also the strength he has and he didn’t even get frustrated!  Amazing!

Riley had some homework to do too!

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While our first attempt at homework went really well, at least with Finn and Riley, Kellen did get antsy and was annoyed I was “ignoring” him (as much as you can ignore someone screaming at you, hitting you and clawing to get into your lap), I’m really nervous about focusing on Finn with the others around as time goes on.

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