Friday, July 15, 2011

That’s What He Said

Ever since the royal wedding, any time I put on a dress, or if Riley sees someone else in a dress he says “you a princess?”  so.cute.

Riley puts on his Varsity paper hat and says “I a pretty princess momma!”

Riley with his new plastic little shark…
Riley:  no shark don’t bite me, no, don’t bite me, owww….I OK, its OK, I OK.

At dinner, Riley reaches over out of his seat to get to daddy and he starts mouthing on his arm saying “yumyumyum, I’m eating you up, yumyumyum”.

When Riley sees Kellen and he is awake and not crying he says “he’s happy?  he’s not crying!”  I’ve got to get video though because the way he says it, swoon, melts my heart!  I love the little inflections in his voice!  and I love how he loves that baby!

At lunch….Riley:  I got sumpfing in my mouth….take a look…aaaaaa.

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