I took the boys to Imagine It yesterday morning and as we are in the car coming home, stopped at a light, Riley sitting in the third row, way beyond my short arms reach (I mean I can barely reach the second row) and he's all "WAAAAATER!!!" man he is thirsty from playing hard and he's eating his pretzels and crap his water is next to me, I forgot to give it to him. I start thinking about how he is going to cry the whole way home if I don't get him water....so I grab it, turn myself around (still stopped at the red light) and lob it back to him.....whacks him right in the freaking head, stuns him, falls to the floor of the van.....he starts bawling, both because I hit him in the head and because now he doesn't have his water. And I can't help but laugh....for two reasons....1) what the hell was I thinking? did I really think he was going to catch that???? and 2) I am sick in the head and can't help but laugh any time someone gets hit in the head. bad mommy, poor little guy!
Then our whole schedule was off yesterday afternoon because we went to get hair cuts and then to yogurt tap as a treat because it was Siena’s last day (sad panda) which meant we didn't get home until 530. Normally I feed Kellen at 4/430 and put him in the swing for a late afternoon nap at 530, but he had fallen asleep and our schedule was off, so I fed him at 530 and then put him in the swing so I could cook dinner and do the whole dinner/bath/bedtime routine for the big boys. Normally I get Kellen at 7 once I get Riley down, and do his whole bedtime routine, but since I didn't feed him until 530 I figured I would wait until 8. So I go on about checking things off my to-do list......10pm, done with most things on the list and now its time for bed! 230am Kellen wakes up (he's been STTN, yay) so I get up and I'm all groggy and I go into his room, but he's not in his crib, but he's crying and I'm all disoriented thinking "how did he get out of the crib??? where is he???" looking all over the floor.....um no, he's still in the damn swing! I completely forgot to put him to bed. I mean, obviously he is fine, he was sleeping in the swing, he was fed, but like how the hell did I forget that?
so, there you have it, pass me the mother of the year award!