Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I’m pretty sure when grandma and papa built their house in the woods, this past holiday was exactly what they had in mind.  Lots of grandkids running around, lots of campfires, walks, naps, food, cuddling and FUN!



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Christmas Crafts


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And then we had Christmas because we won’t see the Habermann’s for Christmas this year.

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The kids got animal neck pillows and snowman towels.



Baby’s 1st Christmas ornament


And matching Cars pajamas!

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My Future Trouble

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John cooked breakfast over the campfire

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mmmmm bacon

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And then we roasted weenies over the fire for lunch!

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And then we went bowling!  Booya!

Um, look at these cutest little bowling shoes!!!!

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That’s right!  I WON!!!!



Now for some videos!

Riley!  You can hear Steph in the background at the end telling him to say “go ball, go!” and that was exactly what he did every other time that he bowled, he would stand at the end shaking his arm yelling “go ball go!”.  Riley had a freaking blast bowling!  He loved bowling, he loved the music, he was super excited!


Finn did really awesome, he even got a strike without the ball hitting the bumpers!


and a crazy throw!


The Aunt Steph butt wiggle!


one more Riley

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