Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Cards!

I thought of the idea for our Christmas card back in May.  Yes, you read that right, May.  I know what you’re thinking, “Heather, you need to get a life”.  I know.  But with the help of my very willing family and very good friend/photographer who all played along with my reindeer games, it turned out even better than I could have imagined!!!


I mean, can you imagine hanging out in May, checking your email to find a request to do someone’s Christmas card pictures in their pajamas?  And then later getting a request asking “hey is it cool if we all jump on the bed?”.  But Stef has clearly spent too much time with us and acted like this was nothing out of the ordinary!

And this blog post proves it!  This just melts my heart.  I can’t even tell you how much this means to me, Stef!  I know I come up with crazy schemes all the time and I was just so happy that everyone played along, but Stef really went above and beyond to write this hilarious story up!  We had so much FUN, I’ve never laughed so hard and I couldn’t be happier with the pictures and all the love that went into this!

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!


donna said...

Definitely one of my fav Christmas card ever. So creative and FUN!

Stefanie said...

Awwww, it was fun for me too lady! It was def. a team effort!