Monday, December 13, 2010

Santa Writes Back!

On Day 8 of our 25 Days of Christmas, we wrote Santa a letter!  Today, Finn got a letter from Santa in the mail!!!!  I took a bunch of pictures of him opening it.  When I got the mail the boys were watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  I knew I had to wait until the movie was over to even get his undivided attention.  So when it was over I said “Finn, you got a letter from SANTA in the mail today!!!!”.  He might have peed his pants.  He inspected the outside of it for a bit and then so.very.carefully.and.slowly. he opened the letter.  Seriously it took him forever, he didn’t just tear into it.  (He is such his father’s son.)  It was adorably.unbelievably.sweet.  Once he got it open it inspected it some more and then asked me to help him read it.

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Cutest thing ever!

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