Friday, December 31, 2010

One last present…..

So we bought the boys a play kitchen for Christmas….err….I mean SANTA got the boys a kitchen for Christmas.  We knew this was the present we wanted to be from Santa, but with driving to Indiana and back for Christmas we had to strategize on how to pull this off.  In the end, Todd assembled the kitchen over a few nights over at Uncle Buzz’s house (yeah he really took one for the team, getting to watch basketball on a giant TV while assembling, ha!).  Then he brought the kitchen back home after the boys were in bed and stored it in the basement.  The day we left for Indiana, I loaded the boys into the car while Todd retrieved the kitchen and placed it in the living room in front of the tree so when we returned it would be waiting there for them just like Santa had left it!  And I got this video when we returned home of their reaction…..

I couldn’t even believe his reaction and I’m a little embarrassed by it.  Thankfully though right after I stopped filming they both got super excited and played with it for a long time while we unloaded the car and got dinner ready and what not.  We’ve moved it into our kitchen so they can cook while I cook and they LOVE it!

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