Friday, December 31, 2010

25 Days of Christmas: Days 18 through 24

Day 18:  Christmas Stories

I’ve gotten into quite a groove with holiday themed books for the last few holidays now that I’ve figured out “the system” (aka you have to reserve them from the library BEFORE the holiday season officially begins or all the good ones are taken!).  I’ve got a great website that has been recommending really great books for all occasions/themes/etc.  This year we picked up Dream Snow, Little Tree, Playful Little Penguins and Peter Claus and the Naughty List.  These have been awesome books, love them all.  Especially in love with Peter Claus because it really explains the whole naughty/nice thing but also about how Christmas is about giving.  Thanks to this book we’ve started a naughty/nice “chart” of our own that is working like a charm.  (how to keep this going past Christmas day????)



Day 19:  Christmas Presents with Grandpa O’Connor!

Grandpa O’Connor came to town for work which meant we got some extra special time with him!  And he brought presents!!!!

Tee shirts from Hawaii and Christmas Books!!!

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Day 20:  Merry Poo

He is so going to kill me one day for this…..but it won’t be the first thing… I think I mentioned how the boys LOVE to wear their Santa hats, no?  Well Finn put his on when we were reading bedtime stories and wanted to keep it on when he went to bed.  Fine by me!  About 10 minutes after I put him to bed I hear him in the bathroom…this is normal, but then I hear the stool bouncing around making a lot of noise, so I go in there to check on him and this is what I found….


when he saw me, he looked up and said “I’m going poo poo, I need some privacy please.”  hahahahahahahahaha

Day 21:  Spread Holiday Cheer

One of my neighborhood mommy friends organized a morning of spreading holiday cheer to the Decatur Police and Fire Stations.  We bundled up all of our babies, packed up some treats and headed out to bring them treats and sing them caroles!  It really doesn’t get any cuter than this!

The boys making our cookie treats!


At the Police Station

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At the Fire Station, you know, with FIRE TRUCKS!

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And video!

Day 22:  Impromptu Movie with BFF in Indiana!

What?  That’s totally a Christmas thing!  Look, we’re in front of a Christmas tree!!  ha!  So as we’re headed to Indiana for Christmas, Todd says he wants to go see a movie.  Yay!  So as we’re rolling into to Franklin Indiana, where our chosen movie is playing Todd says “isn’t this where Taylor’s sister lives?” and I couldn’t remember if they had just moved there or moved away from there but I said “I’m not sure, but if they do, then this is where Taylor is.”  So we call Taylor and 10 minutes later we’re standing in line to get popcorn to go see True Grit together!  What an awesome Christmas present for momma!!!


Day 23:  Sledding!

When we arrived in Indiana they already had snow on the ground, and then it snowed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and the day after!  As an added bonus, the boys got sleds from Aunt Steph and Uncle John for Christmas!!!!  Finn absolutely LOVED it, Riley was a little less sure.  Videos to come in another post!


Finn eating the snow. 


Funny side note story….on our drive to Indiana, we stopped along the way and as we were walking back to the car, Finn asked if he could crunch the snow.  I thought he meant with his foot.  I said yes and before I knew it, he picked the dirty road snow off the ground and put it in his mouth.  He has now been educated on eating WHITE snow only.

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Day 24:  Gingerbread House

Last year we did a gingerbread train that turned into a train wreck.  This year I bought a house thinking we might have better luck.  I have now promised Todd I will never buy another gingerbread structure ever again.

The boys licking the beaters after grandma made the icing.


Oh this looks easy….


Riley “helping” put some icing on one side.  Note grandma and daddy holding the structure in place?  They were holding for a very long time.


The icing has exploded.

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Time to decorate!  (quickly before this goo dries!)

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Sadly I do not have a “finished product” picture, but really we were such a mess!

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