Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Convos with Finn

Finn: but its not a merry christmas momma
me: whatchyoutalkingboutwillis?
Finn: its not snowing!
poor Georgia boy is going to be sad this winter.



{at dinner}

Finn:  Momma, how is the baby going to come out of your belly?
Mom and Dad:  {blank wide eyed stares}
Mom (after much hesitation):  Finn, we are not equipped to answer that question right now.

{heart pounding, begging that this ends the conversation….}


{after many conversations with friends on how to answer the above question and better prepared on how to answer it}

Finn:  Momma, is the baby going to come out of your belly today?
Me:  No, not today, we still have a lot of time for the baby to grow in my belly before it comes out.
Finn:  how is the baby going to come out of your belly?
Me:  It’s just going to pop out!  (yes, this was really an answer someone gave me and I thought it was a good idea)
Finn:  but how does it just pop out momma?
Me:  {damn!}  well, actually Finn, the doctor is going to cut a hole in mommas belly and take the baby out.
Finn:  {very worried look on his face, which was exactly why I didn’t want to go this route}
Me:  the doctor will sew the hole back up and it will heal.  momma will be sore for a little bit afterwards so we’ll have to be careful with momma for a little bit, but then it’ll be fine!
Finn:  did the doctor cut a hole in your belly to get me out?  and Riley too?
Me:  Yes!  and see, now everything is OK!
Finn:  momma, can I have an apple?


Finn:  so how do they put the lid back on your belly?
Me:  {say what?}  do you mean when they take the baby out?
Finn:  yes
Me:  Well they are going to cut a hole in my belly, take the baby out and then they will sew the hole back up.
Finn:  how are they going to sew the hole?
Me:  {ummmm} with a needle and thread.  {????}
Finn:  can I come with you?
Me:  No, sorry buddy, only daddy can come with me.  But you can come to visit me and the baby in the hospital.
Finn:  and can we hug her?
Me:  of course!
Finn:  and then can she come home with us?
Me:  well me and the baby have to stay in the hospital for a few days, but you can come visit us and then we’ll all come home together.
Finn:  but I don’t want you guys to stay in the hospital.
Me:  {try to explain why we have to stay in the hospital for a few days, he isn’t liking it at all, so I interject with….}  well you know who is going to stay at home with you while I’m in the hospital with the baby?
Finn:  huh?
Me:  grandma!
Finn:  {uncontrollable giggling}  YAY!  and then you and the baby come home and we can hug her all the time?
Me:  yes!  but Finn, you know the baby might be a boy, right?
Finn:  like me?
Me:  yes, like you and Riley.  so it could be either a boy or a girl.  we just don’t know yet.

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