Thursday, January 12, 2012

They are getting too smart!

The boys have approximately 6,589 cars.  They fight over them ALL.THE.TIME.  Because 6,589 cars is just not enough for them to play with, they always have to have the same ones.  It is painful.  Not too long ago we started toy time-out which has been AMAZING.  The other day they were fighting so much over their cars that I went in, without saying a word, started putting them all into this huge storage bin I bought for them, closed the lid and walked away with them.  As I was picking them up, Finn knew something was up, he started to get all hysterical “momma, what are you doing????”  “momma, we’re sorry!!!”  “momma, where are you taking our cars????!!!???”  I put them in time out and came back and calmly explained that to the boys.  They were HYSTERICAL.  For like five minutes, and then it was quiet while I was cooking dinner.  I came back out and found this.


I had forgotten all about these “cars”.  But they were playing nicely and quietly together with them.  Which was good because I don’t know how I would have fit them all in time out!

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