Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chicks Dig Scars

Aunt Tay Tay was driving through town on her way from DC to Florida and we were going to go out to dinner with her fiance!  Since grandma was in town, she offered to keep the bigs at home and we took baby Kellen with us.  About 3 minutes after leaving the house grandma calls and all I can hear through the phone as Todd is listening is “bleeding”, “stitches”, “hammer”.

Turns out Riley threw a wooden hammer at Finn’s face, breaking the skin right under his eye.  Grandma couldn’t tell at the time if he would need stitches or not but she assured us we should still go to dinner and we could figure it out in an hour when we got home.

By the time we got home, things had calmed down, the bleeding stopped and Finn was OK with holding an ice pack on his face so it wouldn’t swell and grandma had applied a butterfly band aid and all was right with the world.  Stitches were not needed.  All was forgiven.

“Riley, I forgive you for throwing a hammer at my face.  Chicks dig scars.”

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