Thursday, January 5, 2012

Potty Training 2.0

We had our first accident today, so now I can officially post about potty training.  It has been going SO good that I really didn’t want to say anything about it one way or the other to jinx it.  But, now that we got our first accident out of the way, I can give the deets.

First of all, his buns look so stinking cute in big boy underwear.  I seriously die every time I see him in them!  Gah!

Secondly, he is a total rock star!  I really thought that he would be so much harder to potty train than Finn, just because he can be stubborn and because I swear he pees every five minutes.  Finn can hold it for HOURS.  BUT evidently, so can Riley!

I had said that I would start after Thanksgiving, which was our last road trip for a long time.  But when the time came, and I would ask him if he wanted to wear big boy underwear, he kept saying no.  And he didn’t want to wear a pull-up either.  So I gave it a half-hearted attempt for a couple of days and then just bagged it until after Christmas.  Two weeks ago I asked him again and he said yes to the pull-up.  He kept the pull-up dry for a week, so on Monday we started with big boy underwear and were accident free for 4 days!

He has been sick off and on for the last two weeks as well.  This morning I found him with vomit in his bed and he was just kind of off all day and he hadn’t been drinking very much.  We had tried to go potty twice and nothing happened.  While I was busy making lunch and went in to get him, he had a pee and a poo accident.  TOTAL MESS!  But he was pretty sad about it, so hopefully it won’t happen again (or at least too many more times….)!

He’s been really awesome with the whole thing.  Super excited about it, willing to try and has done lots of poops too!  So far he hasn’t told me that he has to go, but I suppose we’ll get there.  Fingers crossed that 'we’ll be (daytime) diaper free by the end of the month!

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