Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Back to School!!!

The Friday before school started, we went to the school for Open House where we learned who the boys had for teachers and got to visit their class rooms!

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Riley has the same Pre-K teacher that Finn did, Mrs. Crosby!  And at Open House, they sent home a glitter star with this little poem:

A Back-to-School Star

Here’s a star; it’s really cool.  It will help you be ready and rested for school.  Just place the star near your bed, close to where you lay your head.  The star will help you sleep through the night.  You’ll wake up for school fresh and bright.  We’ll place the star near our beds, too.  We can’t wait for school when we will see you.

Precious!  Here is his little star.


First Day of Pre-K and First Grade!

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The boys wrapped their lovies up together for a picture too!


And the attempt at getting a picture of the boys together at school.

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After we dropped off Finn at his class room, we headed to Riley’s.

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He found the R for Riley on his cubbie and put his stuff away.  Such a big boy!

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As I was walking back up to the car, Riley’s class was doing their first line-up to go back inside from the playground.  And I stopped and took a couple of pictures.  And then Riley got to be the line leader back in to the class.  Oh my, you should have seen the pomp in his walk!  His head was high, his chest was puffed out, and he just marched them right in to the school!  It was AWESOME.  I am SO glad I got to witness that!


And when I got back to the car I found blankie and grandma bear waiting for me in the front seat.  This *ALMOST* made me cry.


And this little joker gets momma all to himself!


Later that week as I was grabbing something Kellen had thrown in to the back seat, I noticed the special passenger I had been driving around.  {{{{heart melt into a puddle}}}}


Monday, July 29, 2013

Last Day of Summer Ice Cream

We had an amazing summer!  We checked off almost everything on our Summer Bucket List and we did a bunch of other really cool things that weren’t on the list.  For the most part the boys got along really well and I gave myself a break on some things in order to keep my sanity.  :)  So as one last hoorah, I took them to go grab some CFA ice cream.

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Baby Kellen.

Roller Skating – SBL

We BARELY got this one checked off the list.  I literally woke up on Monday morning and was like, we should do this and I immediately went about trying to find a sitter for Kellen.  And someone alerted me to a half off depot coupon so our skating was super cheap!  Everything fell together perfectly and so quickly and away we went!

A friend lent us her kid skates to use just in case and we also took our helmets with us.

Any roller skating rink called Sparkles in just awesome, no matter what is inside!


All geared up!  I got them regular skates when I got mine, but we decided to start with my friends kids skates first.  We did one lap around on the lowest setting, which basically was just like walking.  There seriously was no roll.  So then we did another lap on the third and final setting.  They still really didn’t roll and the boys wanted to roll!

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So we put on the regular skates.  Immediately fell down and off I went with my $10 to rent the most awesome contraption known to man.  PVC pipes on wheels.  This thing was AMAZING.


They were zipping around in no time!

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And of course this post would not be complete without videos!!!




Around and around we went!  They got better as the morning went on.  Riley completely surprised me.  He usually gets frustrated with things VERY easily and completely gives up, but every time he fell he had a huge grin on his face and pulled himself back up and kept trying.  It was unreal and amazing.  The place also had some video games of which we got tokens for in our half off depot, so when they were exhausted from the skating, we hit the games and headed home.  It was SO MUCH FUN! 

My Clever Boy

One morning while we were all working on our dry erase boards, Finn says “momma, sound out this word”


I laughed SO hard.  Look at his face.  I mean look at him!  He is SO PROUD of his little joke.

And for the record, if he doesn’t know how to properly spell that word, he is not going to be learning it from me.

Kellen says “I write mommy’s name”.


Piedmont Park Ice Cream Festival and Fountains

When there is an Ice Cream Festival, there we will be!  Throw in the bonus it is at Piedmont Park and there are water fountains and there is no other place we’d rather be!

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We got ice cream sandwiches with different flavor ice creams and cookies and others got amazing flavors from Jake’s ice cream and Finn got his first slushie.  And I swear this is the same company that the guy from the bachelorette owns so I had to take a picture to share with my obsessed friends.  :)


And then we found the best tree climbing tree in the world.

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