Monday, December 10, 2012

Finn goes to the Opera!

And ages before my eyes!

Finn’s class had a field trip to the Opera and they were told they could dress up!  Finn though I think thought that meant he could wear his Batman shirt and when I told him it meant church clothes, he was really bummed.  This just happened to come the same day that I read this article about “Beautiful Man Clothes” where a boy wants to wear “beautiful man clothes” to a wedding, like his daddy.  So I went out and bought him a dress shirt and tie and then my heart melted and I cried!  He was SO handsome and he was SO proud of how handsome and grown up he was!


1 comment:

Karen said...

He looks so handsome! I love that article you referenced--I had tears in my eyes envisioning the dad teaching the son about how to dress. So sweet. I love a man in a suit and tie.