Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Our Weekend

Friday night was Momma’s Night Out, so Todd invited the other dad’s over for a cook-out.  They were greatly outnumbered, but everyone was alive when we got home!  And Todd took a few pics, proof that everyone was well fed!



Saturday was Game Day and I remembered to bring out the Purdue gear for the boys!  Finn refused to wear his Purdue shirt because he didn’t want to take off his pajamas, which he wore for the rest of the day, but Riley and Kellen were much more agreeable!

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And Kellen gets the QB Sack!


And Todd took the big boys to the East Atlanta festival and sent me this pic!  Ha!


Mommy and Kellen had a playdate on Sunday after church and after naps the big boys worked on the Jeep with daddy (after our weekly ice cream reward treat!) while Kellen checked out the swing!


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Putting on their seat belts…..for a ride that never happened.  The Jeep is gonna need some work.  :(


1 comment:

donna said...

Love the idea of the boys working on a project. My friend has a Jeep parts website---started out as a hobby and became a business.