Thursday, September 15, 2011

Apple Picking

We went apple picking with some friends this past weekend up in the north Georgia mountains.  It was a perfect day for it and we had such a great time! 

The mommas and their babies!


Both families!


We picked apples!

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And there was a petting zoo!


A teeny baby goat!

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Todd:  You guys wanna pet the bunny?


Um, no thanks dad.




Turkeys! This is hysterical, every time one of the kids would scream the turkeys would gobble wildly which would make the kids scream even more!



Gorgeous View!


Enjoying the “fruits” of our labor!

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And there was an apple cannon!  What is an apple cannon you ask?  I give you this video!

And little ole 4 yr old Finn hit one of the targets and won himself a candy stick!


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View of the farm from across the street at the hay ride!


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And then we went for some BBQ!

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Our beautiful apples!  I apologize to them now for my lack of cooking abilities.  I will try to turn you into a pie that will probably taste like dirt.

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