Friday, February 18, 2011

Racing Cars

Finn has a new very popular phrase and every time he says it I hold my breathe and wait for what is to come.  “I was thinking that…..” and it is always followed by some FUN thing we should do.  But he always puts a long pause in between “that” and his idea, which is what makes me hold my breathe and brace myself…..While it is cute, it can also be tantrum inducing if my response is no.  Lately sometimes he has even been asking me “So, what are you thinking momma?” which I like a little better for the times that I did already have some plans for us.

Yesterday, Finn woke up from his nap, asked me what I was thinking and when I told him I didn’t have a plan he said “well, I was thinking that….we could race cars….in Miss Dawn’s driveway”.    Miss Dawn is our neighbor.  I’m thinking his small cars.  So I’m all, OK.  This is easy.  But no, he’s thinking the BIG plastic cars, the cozy coupe and the other push car.  But then I think, this is still OK.

I’ve never laughed so hard in my life.  We did this for like an hour and a half.  At some point our friends down the street, the Brimmer’s, came to play too.  Seriously hilarious.  Here are some videos I took.  I love their laughter, I love my laughter, I love Finn jumping up and down, I love that this was Finn’s idea, and I love how they both are furiously trying to steer the cars.  Seriously an awesome afternoon!

It was not without incident though.  At some point Riley got ran into by an incoming car and I ended up taking him to the doctor today because he is still limping on the leg and crying a bit.  They don’t think it is broken, so we’re just giving him some motrin and some time to see if it just gets better.  Poor little dude.  Not to worry, we got the Brimmer’s auto insurance information to cover his medical expenses though!  ;)






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