Monday, July 19, 2010

A story from daddy

Daddy took the boys hiking the other afternoon and he sent me this story to share.  Grab a hanky.

We were backpacking with Grandma (bear) in Finn's backpack, Riley in mine.  A while up the mountain, Grandma was getting heavy, so Finn started to carry her instead, finally she got too heavy, so he had me carry her.  Then when some 8 year old boys were coming down the mountain, Finn got excited & asked for Grandma back, he said he wanted to show her to them.  As each one walked by, with a smile from ear to ear, Finn excitedly made Grandma wave to them as they passed - each time they did not acknowledge Grandma or Finn.  Finn was confused after the first couple went by and asked me why they weren't saying hi to Grandma, then asked me each time after another passed "why aren't they saying hi to Grandma?"  I told him that maybe they didn't see her & suggested he have Grandma wave to the daddy in the back, thankfully he did said hello back. 

It almost made me cry as I watched Finn, knowing that his innocence & imagination would soon start to slip away as he become aware of what was "cool".

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