Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Mommy Chronicles: One Year!

May 1st 2009 was my first official day as a Stay-At-Home-Mom.  I have officially been a SAHM for one year!  As this day was coming near I remembered that I had made some posts in the beginning and went back through the blog to find them.

Day One 

Week One 

And I thought I had also posted one at one month, but I found this one at a Month and a half .

This last year has been amazing.  It has been good, it has been challenging, and it has definitely been the hardest job I have ever had.  But whenever anyone asks me if I’m enjoying it, I easily and excitedly reply “YES!”.  While at the end of most days I am worn out and can easily pass out on the couch, I still marvel at each of these little people that I get to spend my days with.  I’ve always been easily amused and one who likes to have FUN (obviously where this whole FUN business began with) and spending time with my boys has really allowed me to relish in those things.  Seeing the world through their eyes, enjoying the simplest things is really, really cool.  (see if I was a better writer I could have come up with something better than “really, really cool”.)

I definitely still agree with most of the things I wrote about early on.  The camera is attached to me at all times.  Having a plan is key and having lots of activities is the best.  I do give us time to just play at home together, though all of us are happier outside of the house.  I do sometimes feel guilty that I’m not sitting down and teaching Finn his letters or other similar things, but I’ve been reassured that they are learning enough, so I’ll try to not let the internet get the best of me!

We’ve discovered lots of cool new things to do around town, and I’m excited that we still have some new things on the to-do list!  We’ve also made some really awesome new friends this year, for the kids and for mommy!

We’d always said this was our plan, for me to stay at home, but always in the back of both of our minds, we really weren’t that sure if I’d like it or if it would last.  We’ve all been very pleasantly surprised!  I’m definitely looking forward to so much more time with my boys!

I’m not a writer, I hate writing, and I hate that I’m not a writer because it makes writing posts like this really hard.  I have no idea how to express my emotions without it sounding cheesy or not like me.  I love to use exclamation points, I love to jump up and down and get all excited and say YAY!!! really loud and clap frantically, I’m a hugger, a squeezer, a tickler, a snuggler and a high fiver.  But I have no idea how to write any of that down.  So I will just have to let these pictures do some of the talking.

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1 comment:

donna said...

I'm not a writer either! But I can tell from this post how much you are enjoying your family! Love that. Finn and Riley are lucky to have you.