Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Potty Update

So, I don’t write new posts every day, and when you see a bunch of them days in a row you should know that I typically write them all in one sitting and then schedule them to post days out.  This is mostly for people who are bored at work (ahem, Lauren) and need something to read, I want to make sure they have something new each day and don’t get 10 posts all at once. 

So this potty post that I just posted today, I actually started writing 2 weeks ago but didn’t finish until yesterday and scheduled it to post today.  Well after I went to bed last night I thought of a few things I wanted to add to that post, but by the time I got online this morning it had already posted and I didn’t want to take it back and then repost.  cuz that would be just wrong.  ;)

But, then today was the most amazing potty day to ever happen!  It was like Finn knew it was posted and just wanted to prove me wrong!!! 

I’ll start first with the things I wanted to add and then I’ll update about today.

We’ve had a tough time with trying to get Finn to pee standing up.  He always has to sit down.  We started potty training that way with him going sitting down naked as he was about to get into the bath.  So now he has to sit and he has to take off his shoes, pants and underwear completely.  le sigh.  this is “fine” at home but not cool when we are out in public.  So then we tried standing up but he just wasn’t getting it and would request to sit down (and undress).  Then a friend told me about how her son loves to pee on trees!  Yes!  This I would love, yay for having TWO boys, they both can pee on trees when we’re out and about!  But, Finn won’t pee standing up.  On Mother’s Day, Todd took the boys to the park while I went to the spa really quick and when I met them at the park Finn proclaimed “I pee-peed on a tree momma!!!”!!  YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!  Best.Mother’s.Day.Present.Ever!  No joke, I couldn’t be more excited about my son peeing on a tree!

Up until this point Finn still had yet to ever tell me when he needed to pee, it was always me asking/taking him.  Yesterday we ran a bunch of errands and then went to CFA for lunch and played on the outside playground after eating.  It wasn’t until we were in the car five minutes later that I remembered I didn’t take him potty.  So I pulled over into a parking lot, got him out of his seat to put a diaper on him and he was soaking wet.  He peed in the carseat, for the first time.  :(   He didn’t even tell me.  I was totally bummed and really thought this was never going to happen.

Then today….today we went to the Imagine It Museum and next thing I know Finn runs up to me and says “Momma, I gotta go poopy” and he’s jumping up and down, so we RUN to the bathroom, sit him down (with undies and pants down to ankles, no full disrobing!) and he pees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!  30 minutes later, he runs up says he needs to go potty, I was skeptical but we RAN to the potty and he peed AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YAAAAAAAAY!!!  Oh….it gets better!

We get home, we eat lunch and then I always let the boys play for a little while before laying them down for naps.  I’m in the next room and I hear Finn grunting.  Oh NO!  He’s still in his undies, not a diaper yet!  I run into the room, ask if he’s pooping?  he stares at me, I grab him, run to the bathroom sit him on the potty and he POOPED ON THE POTTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And his response, so soft and calm, not wild crazy excited like his momma, he says “I did it.”  I was jumping up and down, told him how proud I was of him, etc etc.  And he said “I still going poopy” and he kept on pooping.  And then he carried on a conversation while pooping about how he has boogies in his nose and I have hair in my nose and that daddy has hair in his nose and grandma and grandpa have hair in their noses and so does uncle John and aunt Steph but that Holli and Joseph have boogies in their noses too.  And then he was done.  And we went and got our special sticker!!!  Seriously awesome day in the PT arena!

YAY FINN!!!!!!


1 comment:

Lee Anne said...

Yay Finn! And LOL about the nose commentary. That totally sounds like a potty conversation we would have at our house!