Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Potty Training

le sigh.

my baby is growing up.

A little over a month ago I asked Finn one Monday morning “do you want to wear big boy underwear today Finn?” and he said yes.  So we did.  The first week we had one poop accident (which was really my fault) and one pee accident (which was also my fault because I knew it was time to go potty but he ran away from me and I got tired of chasing him and decided to fix lunch and then take him before he ate.  literally two minutes later he comes into the kitchen soaking wet.  the second week we had NO accidents.  he still wasn’t telling us that he needed to go, I was just always taking him every 2 hours and he was wearing a diaper at naptime and bedtime.  then week three…..all hell broke loose.  and he had countless accidents.  it was a mess.  literally.  on week four we did a combo of diaper and underwear depending on our activities and what I thought would work best.  but since then we’ve been back in big boy underwear and we’ve been mostly accident free.  he can keep the diaper dry during nap time and there have even been a few over night diapers that have been dry!

But, in all this time, he has refused to go poopy on the potty….with two exceptions…..one night he did actually go poopy on the potty.  he was in the bath tub and exclaimed “I have to go poopy” and he actually went!  there is a picture that Todd made me take but I’m just not sure about posting poop on the blog.  oh what the hell, you can’t even really see the poop, but Finn’s face is priceless.


and there was one other exception……we started a sticker chart and I showed him all these stickers, but told him the special “Cars” stickers were for poopy on the potty and the others were for pee.  He then sat on the potty for an HOUR trying to go poop so he could get a Mater sticker.  I was worried he wasn’t ever going to come off the potty but he eventually did, but no poop.

at this point I’m just not sure if he is ready and if I should go back to putting him in diapers until he asks or if I should keep it up.  he doesn’t like to wear a diaper now when I try to put one on him other than bedtime/naptime.

So who knows…..we’ll see how it goes.  This is definitely a maddening process.  Wish us luck!

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