Friday, May 1, 2009

The Mommy Chronicles: Day One

So today was the first official day at home with The Lakes Boys. It was a pretty successful day I do have to say!

- A good doctor appointment to check out Finn's exzema. He was such a big boy, he stood on the scale by himself for the first time! 31 pounds!
- We watched a house get torn down with a big giant crane, endless FUN!
- We survived our first lunch outing (thank you Kathleen for helping!!!).
- Finn flipped himself out of his crib for the first time! He didn't get hurt thankfully, and he did it silently like a ninja....from now on I think we'll call him Finnja.
- We survived our first shopping Walmart for diapers!
- We all napped at the same time!

Lessons Learned:
- ALWAYS carry my camera on me at all times. The look on Finnja's face as he watched that house get torn down without moving a muscle the entire time and with his mouth wide open in awe was priceless!
- ALWAYS carry my baby wearing device so when baby is VERY unhappy and does not want to lay down in the stroller, I have another option of manhandling him.
- ALWAYS double/triple check that I have the baby's pacifier before leaving the house.
- NEVER eat out with just me and the boys.....ALWAYS meet someone who could possibly, oh say, help pick up Finn's truck that he dropped about 20 times.
- Remember to take time to give each boy their own individual mommy time at some point each day. We did a lot of running around for our first day and I just need to remember to not jam pack our days and have a little QT.

I'm very much looking forward to next week, we've got some play dates scheduled and we'll probably try to hit the Zoo and the Aquarium and definitely Story Time!

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