Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Riley is 11 Months Old!!!



1.  He’s clapping!!!  YAY!!!  I have a hang up with clapping, let me just get that out there.  We did a nanny share with Finn with a little boy who was the exact same age as Finn and HE started clapping at 6 months and Finn didn’t start clapping until 10.5 months.  I mean, I didn’t take it as something was wrong but I just wanted him to clap damn it, because it is cute.  So I just assumed the same was going to happen with Riley.  And sure enough.  We were in Toddlercize class and this 6 month old boy started clapping and I was like DAMN IT!!!  But YAY, he is finally clapping!  He started clapping on Christmas Eve, a little early present for momma!!!  And it is impossible to get on camera but it is the cutest thing ever!

2.  He got his first ear infection on Christmas Day!  Merry Christmas, here’s an ear infection, and a SCREAMING WAILING baby who will not sleep.  YAY!  But when we went in to the doctor, porky pig weighed in at 23 lbs and 8 ounces, a full pound heavier than Finn was at his 1 YEAR check up!  Oh My!

3.  Speaking of Christmas, Riley celebrated his first Christmas!  And it was really a lot of FUN!  He actually played with all of his toys and was having a blast with everything!

4.  Speaking of toys, he plays independently now.  He just roams through the house finding toys and he also plays a game of “hand soccer” where he will bat a ball around the house and chase after it.  He will do this FOREVER.  He also likes to play with Finn, although all he is really doing is driving Finn CRAZY.  “No baby, don’t touch my….(insert any toy in the house because every toy in the house is Finn’s toy….according to Finn)”.  Joy.

5.  When you lay him down to sleep he immediately sticks his thumb in his mouth and rolls over to his right side.

6.  He had his first modeling gig this month!  A friend sent me info that this toy company was redoing their packaging and needed some new babies.  So we submitted our info/pictures and we were invited in for the casting call.  So we go in and the first question they ask is “Who is your agent?”  Say what?  Needless to say we were the only ones there without an agent and this was not anyone else’s first casting call.  But the best part - all the babies, same age, are sitting in their white onesies playing and Riley looked like he was going to eat them all for lunch.  He’s huge!  When it came to picture time, he was too big for the baby carrier (which he outgrew at 4 months old) and he was too big for the exersaucer, so they ended up putting him on the floor with a toy.  Needless to say we did not get a call back.  LOL!  But they took some REALLY cute pictures!

7.  He’s cruising!  I posted a video not too long ago of him pushing a push toy around the living room.  He will cruise around with that thing all day long.  He’ll walk all over the place holding onto my hands.  He will even just stand right up all on his own in the middle of the room not holding on to anything and just stand there and look around like “hey!  check me out!” 

8.  When he’s eating he will rub his right arm over his mouth during the entire meal and the right arm of all of his shirts are forever stained.

9.  Speaking of eating.  That’s not going very well.  He’s still on Stage 2’s and any attempts at Stage 3’s is met with a very violent response.  He will eat cheerios and crackers but he will not eat any of the other random foods we have tried to give him.  He did gnaw on a pizza crust once.  le sigh

10. He is SO strong!  I mean seriously strong.  He will beat you to death when he gets really excited.  And its totally spontaneous so you never see it coming.  I’ll leave the house, come home, see him, get a big smile and go in close for a kiss/hug and get a right hook in response.  And I mean, it brings tears to my eyes, it hurts that much.

11.  He loves to be sung to.  Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels On the Bus, Old McDonald, any random crap that I just make up on the fly.  You name it, he loves it!

Bonus pictures!



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