Monday, October 5, 2009

Riley is 8 months old!


The term “time flies” never really meant much to me until I had kids, because it is amazing how fast time is flying by.  And its almost like it has accelerated into warp speed since Riley was born. 

We don’t have a doctor check up this month, so no official stats, but on our scale he is 22 pounds and he’s wearing 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers and he is quickly outgrowing those!  Chunkmeister!

And in honor of what might be my favorite holiday (Halloween), Riley is wearing his pumpkin gear!  This outfit is officially too small but I just had to get one picture in it!

1) He is scooting….he scoots on his bottom, and he scoots on his belly.  He pops up on his knees every now and then so I think its a matter of time before he’s crawling.  Finn crawled at 8 months to the day, not that I’m comparing….

2) He is also pulling up, if I am sitting or standing near him he will pull up on me, he pulls up on his toy box and I just bought him a Baby Einstein Music Table that he LOVES!!!  So he will pull himself up on that and stand and play!

3) He eats 3 meals a day now!

4) He loves playing with balls!  He will sit and “roll” the ball back and forth with you forever and he squeals every time he gets his hands on it!

5) He is hilarious!  He thinks everything is funny, he laughs a lot and he does just funny random things that make me laugh out loud every day. 

6) He is very stingy with his smiles with strangers.  Whenever we are out and about and people come up to him and try to make him smile or laugh, he will give them the stare down.  He’s super smiley and laughy with people he knows, but if he doesn’t know you, he’s just going to stare at you like you are crazy.  It is really funny to me because Finn was (and still is) the exact opposite.  It’s funny how different siblings can be, even this early on!

7) Still no teeth…..he is the drooliest non-teething baby ever.

8) He loves being outside, it is instantaneous quiet/smiles once you walk through the threshold of the door.

You can see his pumpkin hat (and eyelashes) better in this pic!



EZ said...

He is SOOOO cute!

Jessica Arnoldy said...

Ditto Erin! Just love him!