Thursday, October 15, 2009

Finn like baby’s quarium

I think I mentioned before how Finn is in LOVE with Riley’s crib aquarium. Well the batteries had died and I had been too lazy to unhook it, unscrew the back and put the batteries in the recharger, re-screw the back and re-hang it. So it had been quiet for a while, until this weekend I finally did it. So when we walked in this morning and found Riley sitting up in his crib and the aquarium was playing, Finn was SO excited! He started trying to climb into Riley’s crib and then he asked for my help. I relented. Finn laid right down and stared at the aquarium and said “Finn like baby’s quarium, momma”. Riley was so excited to have Finn in the crib with him…And this cuteness is just too much.

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