Tuesday, May 8, 2012


After having 7 ear infections since December 17th, we were referred to an ENT for tubes.  We finally saw the ENT last Monday where he also had a hearing screening done (very minimal hearing deficiency) and he was scheduled for his surgery on Thursday.

The procedure took maybe 3 minutes, enough time for me to walk back to our pre-op room to grab my purse and be escorted over to the post-op room and the doctor walked in and said it was over!

“Momma, I feel a draft….is my bottom hanging out?”


sticky socks….I’ll let you guess how long these stayed on



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Digging in the toy box


and they let him pick out a toy from the toy closet….we picked out a cement mixer.

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I have some pictures of him post-surgery asleep on the little bed but they are kind of creepy looking so I won’t share.  I had asked how long he would be asleep and they said probably just a few minutes.  I could hear other babies/children screaming down the hall and the nurse said that they either wake up peaceful and sleepy and happy or they wake up wailing.  Right as I set down the camera I turned back in time to see him suddenly shoot up flailing and wailing!  That took a while to get him to calm down, he didn’t want to be held and he didn’t want me to let him go.  He alternated between sleeping and wailing in the car ride home.  Once he got some breakfast in him and a big ole nap he was back to normal….mostly.  Let’s pray this gives him some relief!

1 comment:

donna said...

Seriously the cutest big boy in his hospital gown! Hope the tubes help with his ears.