Saturday, May 12, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week was Teacher Appreciation Week at school!  Each day was a different “theme”.  Monday was hand-made cards, Tuesday was chocolate/candy day, Wednesday was flower day, Thursday was fruit day and Friday was personalized gift day.  We were given a brief description of our teachers at the beginning of the year which included their favorite colors, snacks, restaurants, etc etc etc.  which was super helpful this week!

I didn’t take pictures of everything we did, but I did take pictures of the hand made cards that Finn did!  These cards show his HUGE progression he has made with his writing this year and I couldn’t be more proud of him!  I also love how proud of himself he is!

For Ms Crosby he wanted to make her a snowman card so I helped cut out the snowman circles but he did the rest!


What you can’t see in the below picture is that his right hand is covering up his first attempt at writing his name.  He didn’t like the N he made, so he started over….so it looks like FinnFin.

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He even wrote her name all by himself!


For Mr Zamarippa, he wanted to draw our family.  Once he was done with that he said he was too tired to write Mr Z’s whole name, so we just went with Z.


And ditto for Ms Davis, she got a D and the picture is of her hugging him.  :)

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For snack day we made cookies for Ms Davis and we bought these huge tubs of trail mix for Mr Z and Ms Crosby and attached these tags to them:


For personalized gift day we had two tea drinkers (For a TEA-rrific teacher) and one coffee drinker (thanks a latte for all that you do) so we put together drinking cups filled with tea and coffee! 

Finn was super excited to hand out the gifts each day to his teachers, it was really really sweet.  We love Finn’s teachers and all that they’ve done this year.

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