Thursday, June 30, 2011

Photo Overload

No, I won’t be over-loading you with photos in this post.

Lately I have become ever increasingly paranoid about “losing” the blog.  That one day suddenly all of it will be gone.  And since I have printed hardly any pictures, have written down nothing in a baby book, everything contained in this blog is it.

So I set off this week looking at options for printing the blog, turning it into a book.  Basically, I, very uncharacteristically, am procrastinating party planning.  So while I’ve got a gigantic “To-Do” list, that did not contain “print blog”, I now suddenly have spent countless hours, stayed up way past my bedtime, working on this new project.

Finally I settle on a middle ground….create and “print to PDF”, so I can figure out real printing options later.

I make 2008, the year the blog started, only 54 pages from April through December.  Next, I make 2009, a full year, which comes in at a whopping 253 pages.

Then I go to make 2010.  It is taking forever to create….what is going on?  I’m tired, it is past my bedtime, come on computer!!!

“Error message:  you have 1,689 photos, our site can only use 1,500 photos”


1 comment:

andrea said...

This is my problem too, I have too many pages/pictures!