Thursday, June 21, 2012

Who Needs Grown-Up Band Aids?



After having melanoma in 2005, I’m diligent about sunscreen and bi-annual full body scans and keeping an eye on my skin for anything strange.  I pretty much find stuff faster than my appointments come up, which is what happened this time.  I had a spot on my shoulder, so I went in to get it checked out.  Turns out it was basil cell carcinoma.  The words are scarier than it is. No really!   Although, I thought I was OK about the whole thing, until the day I went back in to get it fully excised.  I broke down crying a few times that day.  But the next day, I put on my big girl panties, took off the big bandage they put on at the doctors office and I put on my Cars 2 Band-Aid.  The boys think it is awesome and it makes me feel better.  Band-Aids really do make you feel better!

1 comment:

andrea said...

Yikes, I am so sorry lady! I am so glad you caught it - and wanted to tell you that you inspired me to go get something checked out on my leg a couple of weeks ago, and had 2 things removed!