Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

Our 4th year going to the pumpkin patch, our first as a family of five!  I had three weddings back-to-back-to-back so we couldn’t go on a Saturday.  When I first googled Berry Patch Farms to find out their hours, I was evidently looking at a Perry Patch Farms in Colorado that isn’t open on Sundays.  Thankfully Todd did some searching on his own and we realized I’m an idiot (really I blame google, it should be smarter than that!).  Unfortunately, about 10 minutes into our visit, the camera battery died.  :(  So no cute pics of the boys with pumpkins.

We did get a family shot with the not-so-giant pumpkin (its been way bigger in years past!), though the sun was obviously VERY harsh on half of us.  :(

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Finn wasn’t really interested in getting up with the other boys, so he got a shot by himself!


Hayride out to the pumpkin patch!

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Finn talking to the man next to him about how stinky the tractor was.

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And we got lots of pictures of the boys picking out LOTS of little pumpkins on our way to the big ones.

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But Finn was more interested in running ahead to “pick out the BIGGEST pumpkin for daddy for his birthday…..”

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While Riley is trying to load me up with mini-pumpkins.

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Baby in a cotton field.


The Bigs encroaching on some other families pumpkin photo shoot.  hahahahahaha

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And two pics I had to crop to even find us….

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and then the battery died.  :(

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