Sunday, April 17, 2011

Little Feet

Now that Kellen is here we needed to add his foot prints to the canvas hung in his room.  He was born with ENORMOUS feet and we were worried they wouldn’t fit.  But we also kept forgetting to actually get them painted and on the canvas.  The paint is in the big boys room (HIGH up on a shelf that even I can barely reach) and then there is the always sleeping baby.  So at the end of each day, I’d remember that I’d forgotten to get the paint out of the boys room before putting them to bed….or the baby would be sleeping all day and we couldn’t paint.  And with each week that passed, and his feet just getting bigger and bigger, I kept getting more nervous they wouldn’t fit!  Finally the stars aligned and we got everything together!  I think he actually liked the paint on his feet, little smiles appeared on his face!  So cute!  And they fit!

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1 comment:

donna said...

Heather, the little feet artwork is absolutely precious!