Saturday, January 15, 2011

A pregnant woman, a toddler and a snack trap

I’ve shared this story with a few people who laughed so hard I figured I should document this story.

I needed to get Finn signed up for swim lessons at the Y and this could only be done in person.  So I got us all ready, grabbed snack traps and water for the boys, squeezed into my gym clothes, grabbed my ipod and headed off to the gym.  Dropped the boys off in the daycare and headed over to membership to get Finn signed up for swim.  It didn’t take nearly as long as I thought it would so I was left with no other option than to actually attempt exercise.

I made my way over to the treadmill where I started walking….very slowly.  After 10 minutes I felt very light headed and like I couldn’t catch my breath.  Yeah, I’m in really awesome shape.  So I got down and decided I would go stretch for a minute and then maybe walk the track instead.  But as I’m stretching, I realize it is now 11am and I have had only a small bowl of cereal for breakfast (because breakfast does not sit well).  No follow up snack (aka mini-meal).  Hold up, I’m so going to pass out.  I need food.  Need food fast.  How am I going to carry the boys back out to the car?  The boys!  The boys have snacks!

I make my way down to the daycare, walk in, Riley runs up to see me, SO happy!!  “MOMMA!!!!”  I grab his snack trap, rip off the lid and pour his goldfish into my mouth.  Riley loses his ever loving mind.  MY SNACK, MY SNACK, MY GOLDFISH, MY SNACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I stole my sons snack.

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