Thursday, September 2, 2010


Finn talks incessantly.  At least when he is with us.  As I mentioned previously, he mostly asks questions, and he demands answers, so there is no “tuning him out” so to speak.  I’ve got to be listening so I can answer.  It is tough sometimes.

But we were driving in the car, me, Finn, Riley and daddy.  It was near Riley’s morning nap-time and he looked really sleepy and Finn was talking incessantly and Riley had his thumb in his mouth and was just looking at Finn with sleepy eyes.

Daddy leaves over and whispers in my ear:  “I’m pretty sure Riley’s first sentence is going to be SHUT UP FINN”.  The look on Riley’s was saying exactly that.  Not to mention this is typically something I would say, not daddy.  I about died laughing.

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