Monday, September 27, 2010


Thursday September 16th, I pick Finn up from school and he has a clear runny nose.  By the time we put him to bed it was a yellow major snot-down.  But no fever, no cough, nothing.  We sucked and sprayed his nose and put him to bed.  Two hours later we heard a noise come from his room that made both Todd and I jump up off the couch and go running into his room.  He sounded like a barking seal, it was the most awful sound I have ever heard!  We sucked/sprayed his nose again, put him back to bed and I called the doctor.  When they called back they asked a series of questions and then had me go in to listen/watch him breathing and they determined he probably had croup and that we needed to put him in the bathroom and run the steam for 10 minutes and then off to the ER.  I had been so sick all day/night so Todd insisted that he take him to the ER while I stayed home with Riley and got some rest.  Um, hello?  Rest?  ER is mommy duty, mommy is getting no rest while he baby is off to the ER sounding like a seal!  They left the house at 11pm and Todd reminded me to set the house alarm after they left.  Well, I am a dumbass and I set it to the “we’re all tucked in safe and sound inside the house, so if someone opens our door all hell is going to break loose” mode, so when they walked in the door at 1:15am….the siren sounded, loud!!!  Scared the bejeesus out of me.  Turns out Finn had croup, so they gave him a steroid shot and sent him home.  There isn’t any treatment for croup because it is a virus.  By the next day he was TIRED but he was much better.  Craziness.

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