Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Five Minutes in the Car

Finn has been telling me all kinds of stories lately, or just having really long conversations with me.  Example:

Finn:  momma, can we get a Finn-sized motorcycle for me?  I will wear a helmet so I won’t fall off and hit my head.  Can we get a momma-sized motorcycle for you?  and for Riley?

Momma:  does Riley get a Riley-sized motorcycle?

Finn:  no, he gets to ride with you, but he needs a special seat so he doesn’t fall off.  and we’ll get him a helmet too, so he doesn’t fall off and bump his head. and momma, you need a helmet too.  my helmet has a race car on it!  it goes fast, fast, fast.  momma, that boy is riding a skateboard!

Momma:  yep, that boy is skateboarding.

Finn:  when I get bigger and bigger can I get a skateboard?

Momma:  yes, when you get bigger and bigger you can have a skateboard.

Finn:  and can Riley have a skateboard too when he gets bigger and bigger?

Momma:  sure, he can have one too.

Finn:  yeah, and when we are bigger and bigger we will ride our skateboards all over the place like that boy and go fast, fast, fast!

1 comment:

EZ said...

I'm exhausted reading that conversation!