Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Riley’s Birth Story: 2-4-09

A little bit of background story: Since Finn was breech I had to have a c-section. But since there weren’t any other reasons as to why I needed to have a c-section, my doctor thought I was a good candidate for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). This was REALLY important to me. I didn’t experience any labor with Finn and so I was really excited to be able to have the opportunity with Riley. There were risks involved though and due to those risks I was not able to be induced so I would have to go into labor on my own. My doctor would only let me go one week past my due date before scheduling an automatic c-section. At 37 weeks I was 1cm dilated and 80% effaced, which meant good progress. I was doing everything in my power that I could to induce labor. But, it just didn’t happen and a scheduled c-section for 2-4-09 (Todd’s 35th birthday!) was what we were set for.

I woke up at 2:30am with contractions and cramping and got up out of bed and started pacing and lunging around the house, still trying to go into labor on my own. Finally at 4am, nothing was happening so back to bed I went. We had to be at the hospital at 8am and we woke up at 645, got ready, woke up Finn and dropped him off at daycare and headed to the hospital. I was pretty much an emotional wreck all morning, with stupid crying and being a baby about not getting my VBAC. Got to the hospital, sat in waiting room while they got us all registered and what not and I was actually in a pissy mood. Then the nurse came out and started to lead us back to the pre-op room.....and I LOST it, completely bawling as we’re walking down the hallway, the nurse is all "what the hell is wrong?" (but obviously nicer than that) and Todd had to explain everything to her. So we get to pre-op room and they start prepping me. My doctor came in and said, “all right, let's check you one last time to see if you've got anything going on”. And can you believe, after all that progress I had made 3 WEEKS before....I had ZERO progress! So, evidently deuce was never coming out on his own, so then and only then did I start to feel better about going in after him.

So we're sitting there and I look over at Todd and I ask him, “one last chance, what do you think it is?” And he says "I still think its a girl" and I say "well I've been having some dreams the last couple of nights that its a boy, so I'm going to say boy". So epidural is put in, a team of people come in and introduce themselves as I'm shaking uncontrollably from the epidural and off we go to the OR. More prepping ensues, Todd is sitting up at my head and we've got the curtain up in front of my face and then they begin. and damn, it took longer than Finn's c-section and they were pushing on my upper abdomen so hard I was actually yelling out, it felt like they were crushing me. This time I didn't feel like I was going to throw up like I did with Finn. But, Riley also didn't want to come out and they had to use the suction thing on his head to help the process along. Evidently he was really comfortable in there!

But then...Finally......they pulled him out and it was Todd who got to make the announcement and it went like this:

Todd: Ohhhh, we have a BOY!
Todd: Nope, its a boy.....Dr. Dawson, it's a boy right?
Me: SHUT UP! awwww, sob sob sob sob, YAY!!!!! Lemme see him!!

So Todd had been snapping away pictures the whole time and he finally showed me the first picture of him after they pulled him out, all slimy and gross and I could tell right away that he was HUGE! I couldn't wait to get into the recovery room to hear the stats and hold my big baby boy!

So that's our story pretty much! I'm blessed with a household of big ole boys that are going to eat me out of house and home but take care of me forever! YAY!!!

Riley David Lakes: 10:31am, 8 pounds 9 ounces and 21 3/4 inches long!



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