Friday, November 13, 2009

Quiet Time

So, Finn has been not a great napper lately. It is a struggle. And it happened over night. He used to just lay down and go right to sleep without a peep. I have gotten one or two days in the last month where he has done that, but the majority of the days, we struggle. And sometimes he just has quiet time playing in his room and not napping at all. Like yesterday. I was sitting next to the monitor the entire time he was in his room and I didn’t hear a single sound. When I went in to get him (an hour after I had last checked on him) I found him standing on a stool, naked from the waist down looking out the window with a puddle of pee on the floor (of which he informed me that he went pee-pee on the floor) and all of the things from his bed were on the table and all of the items from the floor and the closet were in his bed. I didn’t hear a thing. He is a ninja.

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I didn’t even know how to respond. So I just put a new diaper on him, put his pants back on and bundled him and Riley up and took them for a walk. About 5 minutes into the walk, Finn passed out cold:


He napped in the stroller while we walked and even after we got home. He napped for an hour. Stinker.

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