Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hat Day

We only watch 1/2 hour to an hour of TV a day, and we watch PBS Kids, typically while I am feeding Riley in the morning, so we usually watch Sesame Street.  Now I know I’m knew to Sesame Street, well at least after a 30 year hiatus, but in the last three months I have seen the episode of “How Many Hats Can You Wear On Your Head Day” 5 times.  5!  Really?  Considering we don’t watch it every day, I’m wondering how many times it has actually played.  Sorry, that’s been bothering me.  I was having a bad hair day and pulled down the hat bin and Finn just couldn’t help himself.  He pulled one out for himself and one for the baby….



And then he had to switch with the baby

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and then back again


Finn is really getting into this TV watching thing


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